About Us


    The Kraken

    He is the heaviest climber of all of us. Both in terms of weight and strength. He always pushes it to the next level and is the most experienced climber. He was born right next to a boulder.

    Captain Hook

    He is very technical. Both in terms of his IT skills and his unqiue hooking technique. He is also responsible for the latest gossip in the climbing community. He once stayed in a hook for 30 minutes.

    Mr. Breakable

    He is the most breakable of all of us. He was born in a hospital. Also known for his crazy moves and very good technique that deal heavy damage to all of his body parts.

    The Famous One

    He is the most famous of all of us. Everyone follows him, wherever he goes. He is also an absolute gear geek. He has it all: climbing shoes, a harness and a chalk bag. sendin' our great shots!